blackbambi, also known as miguel bonneville, is renowned for his deeply personal and thought-provoking autobiographical performances, yet his musical endeavors have also left a significant mark on the scene through various projects over the years, including hex, ur ma, blacksugu, and goldenbambi.
hailing from porto, portugal, bonneville’s musical journey began at the age of fifteen when he ventured into music composition to score a short film he aimed to direct with friends. armed with a modest casio keyboard, he experimented with tape recordings, later attempting to learn guitar, albeit unsuccessfully due to time constraints.
driven by a sense of immediacy, bonneville embarked on a solo musical venture, composing original songs and recording tapes, foreshadowing the one-man band-art-project he would later develop. upon relocating to lisbon, in 2006 he embraced the digital realm, seeking to master music software while still maintaining his casio as a compositional tool, sharing solo demos and videos online.
since then, bonneville has crafted music for soundtracks, contemporary dance productions, and his own performances, alongside dj and mc appearances across europe. blackbambi embodies a fusion of music, performance, and art, exuding a unique allure rooted in its inherent eccentricity. characterized by lo-fi recordings, captivating yet unhurried tracks, androgynous vocals, and striking visuals, blackbambi stands as a testament to originality, offering an experience that is as peculiar as it is compelling.
– bronislaw lubienski
you can listen to blackbambi’s tracks on bandcamp and soundcloud.
blackbambi has also collaborated with various national and international music projects. here are some of his collaborations:
• andré júlio turquesa (pt) – lyrics and vocals on the track ‘tour cher, petit être‘, album orgônio, 2020
• madalena palmeirim (pt) – vocals on the track ‘serpentine‘, album light as rain, 2019
• challenger (pt) – lyrics and vocals on the track ‘bruise‘, ep if light is scarce, then light is scarce, 2017
• avaspo (lt) – live vocals in the concert/performance ‘recycling rituals’ @ kablys, vilnius, lithuania, 2013
• minta & the brook trout (pt) – vocals on the tracks ‘large amounts’, ‘without it’, ‘if you choose to run’, and ‘dream of you’ from the album minta & the brook trout, 2009; and ‘future me’, ‘family’, ‘the right boulevards’ from the album olympia, 2012
• karl sender (pl) – lyrics and vocals on the tracks ‘ghost goes’, ‘her name is jesus’, ‘fears’, 2009-2010