Qué hacen a estas horas los coroneles?
lecture performance
in collaboration with pablo fidalgo lareo
pablo fidalgo and miguel bonneville met in lisbon in 2012. they realized they had been developing parallel works that, in some way, thematically intersect, and decided to create a performative conference around fundamental issues for both, which are inevitably intertwined: autobiography, family relationships, and the cultural and political history of their respective countries. this work was part of vigo’s contemporary art museum cycle “material memoria”, curated by fidalgo lareo, within the context of the “veraneantes” exhibition.
you can find information about the book ‘autobiography of my generation’ (autobiografía de mi generación), which stemmed from the ‘material memoria cycle, here.
co-creators and performers: pablo fidalgo, miguel bonneville. support: azala, marco – museo de arte contemporánea de vigo.
24th – 25th of january 2014, marco – museo de arte contemporánea de vigo, spain
12th of april 2014, alhóndiga, bilbao, spain